Anston Brook Primary School

Anston Brook Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Ryton Road, North Anston Sheffield South Yorkshire S25 4DN

01909 550599

Breakfast Club

Each morning children serve themselves, under supervision, to a selection of fresh fruit, cereals, toast, fruit juice or water. We are always willing to cater for any reasonable requests and dietary requirements.

Breakfast club is open in term time every morning, Monday to Friday, from 7:45 am to 8:40 pm.  

Parents wishing their child to attend the Breakfast Club can do so by using the online system or call the school office on 01909 550599. You will be given details verbally on spaces that may be available. 

Parents can choose which sessions they wish their child to attend; confirmation of this must be received by Friday before 4 pm. You may sign up for more than one week in advance should you wish. 

Please note the Breakfast Club has specific staff to child ratios to uphold and cannot accept children without notice.

Breakfast Club Fees for the session is required even if your child does not attend for the whole of the session at the time of booking which is all done online.

Refunds are not given if a child is unable to attend a session for any reason. However, if a member of staff is absent and we are unable to provide child care, a refund will be given.

After School Clubs & Lunchtime Clubs

At Anston Brook we offer a range of After School Clubs – please the see list below of clubs that we run, but please note that not all of them are run every half term. Clubs usually run from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm Monday to Thursday. Our clubs are organised by staff in school to encourage positive relationships between all of our staff and children. Our clubs offer a great opportunity to have fun, build friendships and to learn new and interesting skills.

After Schools Club that are sports based will require PE kits and a water bottle. Water bottles can be filled up at school prior to the club. 

At the start of each term a letter will be sent home informing the parents of clubs on offer. There are a limited number of places available for each club and they are allocated on a first come first serve basis via our online booking system. Some of our clubs are priced at £1.50 per week and some are absolutely FREE! Payment for the half term is required to secure places.

The after school clubs running Autumn Term 1:

Monday - Multi-skills with Mr Dixon.

Tuesday - Multi-sports with Mr Lilley.

Wednesday - Newspaper club (KS2) with Mrs Blyton.

Thursday - Lego club with Mr Hague.

The after school clubs running Autumn Term 2:

Monday - Forest School with Miss Fagan.

Tuesday - Gymnastics with Mr Lilley.

Wednesday - Pottery Club (KS2) with Miss Elliss and Miss Gillespie.

Thursday - Girls football with Mr Muphy.

The after school clubs running Spring 1:

Monday - Coding (KS2) with Mr Brady.

Tuesday - Cross Fit with Mr Murphy.

Wednesday - Film Club with Mr Lilley.

Thursday - Reading club with Mr Hague.

*All clubs are on Arbor to book your child onto.*

Lunchtime activities are ran by our Year 5 and 6 play leaders.

Do feel free to contact Mr Hague our Extra Curricular School coordinator should require any further information.