Reading at Anston Brook
At Anston Brook Primary School we intend to give our learners the knowledge, skills and authentic experience to better understand the world around us, the opportunities it may provide, and the aspiration to contribute to and change the world around them.
In reading, the National Curriculum states that English has a pre-eminent place in education and society. Through reading, in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually. Reading enables pupils to both acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know.
We aim to ensure that children:
- read easily, fluently and with good understanding
- develop the habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information
- acquire a wide vocabulary, an understanding of grammar and knowledge of linguistic conventions for reading, writing and spoken language.
Phonics & Early Reading
Little Wandle daily discrete synthetic phonics lessons in EYFS & KS1
Daily individual reading to develop decoding skills
Phonically decodable books to read at school and home - matching level in phonics
Repetition & consolidation of phonics learning during free-flow & independent activities
High quality books in EYFS continuous provision
Print rich environment, areas of learning clearly labelled for independence
Phonic and sight word assessments each half term
Children's progress in phonics is tracked and monitored each half term. Targeted additional support given.
Phonics workshop delivered to FS and Y1 parents
Phonic packs sent home as additional practice before the screening
Whole Class Reading (WCR)
Learn to read - focus on decoding in FS & KS1
Learn to read - focus on reading for meaning/develop comprehension in FS2 to Y6
Phonically decodable books to read at school and home in FS & KS1 - matching level in phonics
High quality books to engage KS2 readers
Whole CLass Reading (WHR) session daily in every class (Y2-Y6)
Developing vocabulary and language overarches all other reading concepts.
Reading concepts are used to drive reading lessons, which develop children's ability to predict, summarise, retrieve, infer and understand/develop vocabulary in a variety of contexts.
Key vocabulary on display and used throughout sessions
Reading for Pleasure
Book Weeks, visits from authors and illustrators
World Book Day
Story time in every classroom
High quality book corners in every classroom and around school
High quality library with a carefully selected range of fiction and non-fiction books
Books chosen by children and taken home weekly
Reading stations - relevant books and key words available linked to foundation subjects
Home Reading records - comments from parents and staff#
'Look for a Book' - children can find books outdoors to read and re-hide for others to find
Implementation of Reading
Our reading curriculum road map shows all learners in school what they have already learned, what they will learn next and in the future. Our reading curriculum ensures children learn the skills and knowledge as well as embedding a passion and love for reading. We 'learn to read' and then 'read to learn'. We ensure reading is woven through all our curriculum areas and is developed at every opportunity.
Our road map in reading shows how the skills of phonics/word reading and comprehension progress through the age groups, in relation to the content domains.
Phonics is taught daily in EYFS and Key Stage 1 to enable children to learn the phonemes and alphabet code in order to blend sounds to read words. Children will learn to read common exception words or 'tricky words' and build up an age appropriate bank of vocabulary from their experiences of reading a range of stories. Phonic decodable books enable children to access reading at their phonic level in individual reading and guided reading sessions. Phonic books also go home for children to practice reading - we encourage children to read at least 3 times a week. Children can consolidate and practice reading skills through the print rich environments and key vocabulary in each area of learning. Adults constantly model and scaffold spoken language, new vocabulary, the application of phonics and the process of reading, encouraging children to copy, rehearse, repeat, practice and apply their skills and knowledge in order to become confident readers.
Our school fosters a love of reading, ensuring children have every opportunity to learn the skills to read but then be able to have the opportunity to read for pleasure. Every class has a story time at the end of the day where stories can be listened to and shared. Every classroom has an inviting reading area where children can enjoy high quality texts either individually or with friends. Around the school, we have pop-up reading areas where children can sit back and relax and enjoy a book. An attractive library sits at the heart of our Key Stage 2 area and used to enable children through school to browse for books to aid learning. Children also take sharing books home which they chose from the library and exchange every week.