Anston Brook Primary School

Anston Brook Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Ryton Road, North Anston Sheffield South Yorkshire S25 4DN

01909 550599

Physical Education at Anston Brook

National Curriculum

At Anston Brook, we believe that Physical Education (PE) is a vital part of the national curriculum and the curriculum we want to deliver as a school. PE changes the lives of everyone. Through the teaching of PE, we aim to achieve full delivery of the requirements of the national curriculum through building up a body of key concepts and practical application.

Intent of PE

For children to have an awareness of long term Physical Education benefits and understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle beyond school. It is important that the children at our school understand the ‘big picture’ in their learning.

For our children to build knowledge, skills and vocabulary over their time at Anston Brook.

  • To know that Physical Education is not a stand-alone subject at Anston Brook and through Cultural capital, have a clear understanding of the impact it can have on their own future.
  • To be ambitious in their learning and know that they can take risks in a safe environment, contributing towards a growth mind set approach.
  • To be enthused and excited about their learning, engaging the skills they have learnt and discovering talents and new interests.
  • To continue to develop their literacy and reading skills in all areas of the curriculum.

Children at Anston Brook Primary School are required to bring a PE to school. The PE kit can be left in school, and taken home at the end of the week. 

PE kit includes:

  • White t-shirt.
  • Black shorts.
  • Pumps/trainers.
  • Jacket/Hoodie for outdoor PE in the Winter.

Earrings must be taken out at home.

Long hair must be tied up.


Implementation of PE

At Anston Brook, we are focusing on developing the necessary skills that children will need throughout their time in school and beyond. We will explore attitude towards PE and its value to the children and society. Through practical lessons, we aim that children in KS1 will learn basic fundamental movement skills required for success in a range of sporting environments – knowing that these skills are useful when performing in competitive scenarios. In KS2, children will develop physical literacy (the motivation, confidence, physical competence and knowledge and understanding) and apply their previously learnt fundamental skills (see KS1) into competitive team/individual sport scenarios.

Lessons will be taught to stimulate discussion and engage children in all aspects of Physical Education.

Through the use of our aspirational beehive, we link the learning taking place in each lesson to one skill so that all learners are aware of the expectations of the lesson and how they can improve themselves as athletes and coaches.


Through Physical Education, we are aiming to develop reading, writing and mathematical skills and will be trying to thread these important skills through each session that is delivered. We are very excited by our PE curriculum and are even more excited to deliver it to our children.

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