Anston Brook Primary School

Anston Brook Primary School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Ryton Road, North Anston Sheffield South Yorkshire S25 4DN

01909 550599

Curriculum Overview

At Anston Brook Primary School-

We intend to give our learners the knowledge, skills and authentic experience to better understand the world around us, the opportunities it may provide, and the aspiration to contribute to and change the world around them. At Anston Brook we follow the National Curriculum programmes of study, a copy of this can be found HERE

Please check out our curriculum subject pages for further details about our Anston Brook curriculum. If you would like to know even more then please do not hesitate in contacting your child's class teacher through class Dojo!


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Road Maps

It all begins with the map…

Learning in every subject area at Anston Brook begins with our curriculum road map. It gives a clear overview to learners and adults alike what we intend the children to learn from EYFS through to year 6. It demonstrates how learning throughout school is linked and what lies beyond in KS3 and to future applications in each subject area.




How are they used in school?

Road maps are displayed all over school, in classroom and corridors alongside examples of work from each year group. These displays demonstrate how learners can progress all the way from EYFS to year 6. Our learners in key stage 1 aspire to learn and produce work to the standard that is set in year 6. Children across school can see the journey they are on.

Teachers display road maps in lessons and explain to children where they are on the road map and help them to see what they have learned before, what they will learn next and what they will learn in the future.

Authentic Experience

At Anston Brook we believe that we have a responsibility to ensure all children in our care experience a curriculum which is culturally rich, exciting and has a purpose for them in the lives they will lead. Authentic experiences include but are not limited to visits linked to learning or visitors into school. Studying and behaving in the manner of professionals and specialists gives children a real and meaningful experience of the curriculum. At Anston Brook we do not just ‘do science’ we become scientists.


A Future In…

One of our core aims as a school is to raise the aspirations of the learners we teach. That means guiding them through the curriculum and showing them what they can achieve by pursuing a future in each curriculum area. Through science, our children may eventually pursue a career in healthcare as doctors, nurses, pharmacists or one of the many other rich and rewarding careers in the field.



Knowledge Organisers

Our curriculum road maps give an overview of learning across school. The next step is to dig down into each area of learning and get to grips with the knowledge and skills that children need to achieve their goals and move forward on their learning journey. Our knowledge organisers display the detail that will be covered throughout a learning sequence. These knowledge organisers show children what they will learn, and continue to be a document they use to consolidate their knowledge throughout a sequence of lessons. These knowledge organisers can be found on class pages for families to engage in the children’s learning at home.